my life as tyna aquazze :: i love it

Happy sabbath day ^_^

Say happy blessed sabbath day to all my adventist friend <3 have a great day n as we now GOD is always good, all the time . praise to HIM ^^v

Emm, besok is sabbath day . tak dapat lagi pegi church . lama da sy tak pegi church ni . apa apa pun don't forget to prayer n seek HIM miss tyna ! 

God created for six days
And rested on the seventh
Then He blessed and sanctified it 
Calling it His Sabbath

He said, My children, it's our sign
It's one of My commandments
Keep it for eternity
Holy like I planned it .

Create by cik tyNa . tekan like kalau suka . chill ! peace ^_^ thanks.

6 88 kawan yang komen:

Si BuDaK KaChAk said...

kamu kritian ek??ptut la tgk muke da tau...nk ckp tkut slh je...heheh

cik_tyNa said...

@Si BuDaK KaChAkhaha, kristian la . nak cakap apa tu yg takut salah ? hehe ^^

Anonymous said...

ohh.. may GOD BLESS U,Miss Cute(^_^)

cik_tyNa said...

@~Sweet Honesty~thanks sweety honesty . same goes to you too ^^V

Si BuDaK KaChAk said...

yela...tkut kang slh ckp yg kamu ni kristian...neway Sabbath ni psl ape??cube citer skit...hehehe

cik_tyNa said...

hari perhentian bagi kristian macam sy . sama macam u oll, kena g masjid jumaat kan . bole juga smbyang hari2 .

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